Pending submission: Field visit to Zabul and Uruzgan
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Original JPG File5400 × 3605 pixels (19.47 MP) 45.7 cm × 30.5 cm @ 300 PPI 11.1 MB |
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Resource details
Resource ID
Contributed by
Christian Jepsen
Photo Credit:
Christian Jepsen/NRC
Camera make / model:
NRC Region:
Informed Consent?
Capture Date
07 June 23
Photo Caption:
Villagers of Cheshma-e Meeran share their experiences of war and how they had to flee from their houses and farms due to war between the Taliban and the former government in southern Uruzgan province, Afghanistan. According to the community, several people were injured, many houses were destroyed, and the village is razed to the ground as a result of the long conflict. Now, the community is looking for support to rebuild their lives. They need, food, water, shelter, a clinic, and a school.
Location Data
Marker lat / long: 33, 65 (WGS84)
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